Support Funding Options

    What Supports are Available?

    In order to access therapy and supports for your child in Australia, there are many avenues that are available for your consideration.

    Whether your family has private health insurance or uses the public medical system, access to assessments and ongoing therapy once a diagnosis has been made is achievable.

    National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

    NDIS Goal Template

    Let us help you define your goals to get the most out of your supports.

    Medicare Australia

    Your General Practitioner can provide your child with:
    • Helping Children with Autism Increased Access to Diagnosis plan which provides your child with four appointments for private diagnosis referred by a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist to a Psychologist or Speech Therapist* to assist you to cover the cost of assessments.

    Note: This plan only provides you with four appointments. You may have to use your CDM or MHCP (see below) as part of your assessments so you are able to claim via Medicare.

    • The Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) - Previously called Enhanced Primary Care plan (EPC). This provides your child with five sessions per calendar year with an Allied Health Professional.**
    • The Better Access to Mental Health Plan - also known as the Also known as Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). This plan provides your child with ten sessions of individual therapy per calendar year with a Psychologist, OT or social worker. Your referral will initially be for six sessions and an additional four sessions following a review with your GP.
    • The Better Access to Mental Health Plan Group, also known as the Mental Health Group Care Plan, provides you with ten Group Sessions per calendar year of therapy with a Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or social worker.

    Note: This plan is also available for anybody (people on the spectrum, parents, siblings, carers etc.) who feel that their overall wellbeing and mental health is at risk.

    Your Paediatrician can provide your child with:
    • Helping Children With Autism Treatment Plan (also known as an item 135) and can only be provided following your child's Autism diagnosis. This provides your child with 20 sessions with any Allied Health Professional for treatment and support. This plan can only be used once in the child’s lifetime and they must be provided by their 13th birthday and used by their 15th birthday.

    For more information on any of the above plans or to learn about plans for children over the age of 13, contact Medicare on 13 20 11 or visit

    *You can also access this plan to see Occupational Therapist, Audiologist, Optometrist and/or Physiotherapists, however, these health professionals are not required for the assessment or diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition.

    **Allied Health Professionals: Aboriginal Health Workers, Audiologists, Chiropractors, Diabetes Educators, Dieticians, Exercise Physiologists, Mental Health Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Speech Pathologists.

    Centrelink - Financial Assistance for Families

    Once your child receives an Autism diagnosis, you can apply for Carers Allowance and/or Carers Payment (fortnightly payments for carers). A Health Care Card is also provided which provides the cardholder (i.e. your child) with reduced rates at your General Practitioners, Paediatrician and Pharmacy.

    Your Paediatrician or Psychologist is required to fill this in. Print out the appropriate form/s (links below) and take this to your Paediatrician's appointment or ask your Psychologist if they are able to assist you with this.

    For more information on these payments including eligibility criteria and forms to download to be completed, visit:

    Private Health Insurance

    If you have Private Health Insurance, check out what services your child is covered for as well as the annual capped amount for all Allied Health Practitioners and Therapists. You will need to check with your Health Insurer if they will cover the assessment appointments.

    Your Literally Ausome Funding Guide

    Click on the image to downlaod your Literally Ausome Funding Guide