Autism Assessment Process

An Autism assessment team is made up of a paediatrician (or child and adolescent psychiatrist), a psychologist and a speech pathologist, who have a focus on Autism and carry out a series of different assessments over several appointments.

A multidisciplinary team is required to confirm or exclude an Autism diagnosis as well as identify any other possible neurodevelopmental conditions.

A diagnostic assessment takes approximately six hours, which occurs on several days over a period of four to six weeks and includes report writing.

The diagnostic report may also include the identification of developmental difficulties & determine what interventions, strategies and supports will assist your child/yourself to reach their/your full potential.

Assessment reports may also include information about an individual’s strengths, talents and interests so that support plans can be tailored to their particular goals and aspirations, which can be used to keep everyone on track as well as included in your funding discussions with the NDIS.

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